Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-18 15:23:41 | Transaction pool | This is testnet blockchain

Network difficulty: 2000 | Hard fork: v15 | Hash rate: 16 H/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000004000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
42428 09:224:15:46:52 0.21 31e0be05796f6b265e730007ec785d2f2e550d4815330811a8f16f7f6196d728 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42427 09:224:15:46:55 0.21 9594992f38210dab404c29ed1817cef548acf8950b9a83c8e3e3f9874065d44c N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42426 09:224:15:47:40 0.21 1413696716c6c388503a111ff7a660ca3e412885f505be170f7ebc6e5a77e496 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42425 09:224:15:47:49 0.21 18f1841a790c5310a7ef16fa16e5560843753e81156a2b8284f3932a42468297 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42424 09:224:15:51:25 0.21 dadf7eb2715034a175e8c9ec46166f5a0d67d6498bee865025648faae2f0e800 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42423 09:224:15:51:32 0.20 e35a5502df9ed39ca133a0436b46cec42128a115d085a4ec061ee4f6db083912 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.20
42422 09:224:15:52:20 0.20 781e4b55d82b9fccd49a973c112f2a83ba88bb6e4043a341cc5470ff0420af2f N/A 16.895 0/4 0.20
42421 09:224:15:52:32 0.21 482f7438c42d66201c2242b22bfa310508d2b4114458a44701a76ac413c6203c N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42420 09:224:15:53:05 0.21 06ffaaa467cfefe2cdbdb030985d8226ff2344773a6f2941d8f6ef4e6d836de1 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42419 09:224:15:54:56 0.21 6b3486c11abde103ab69a8de933b7d4de2445730f5c995cfdc4e33022a4635b9 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.21
42418 09:224:15:55:02 0.20 adaa81ef3499335d57386ac95d21b2751e496fe71be800989267a5a66950fd88 N/A 16.895 0/4 0.20
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source code | explorer version (api): master-2021-12-29-9a37839 (1.2) | monero version: