Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-18 16:51:53 | Transaction pool | This is testnet blockchain

Network difficulty: 2000 | Hard fork: v15 | Hash rate: 16 H/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000004000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
42705 09:224:12:16:26 0.21 b5f4b51299a61253475152c337485f577c6b51923e780284b655c7b842a86b04 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42704 09:224:12:19:38 0.21 640cd2ad8566e419782aa50bbf839851dd240e4b4385c087b6dba880fe58ade5 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42703 09:224:12:20:22 0.21 11bf44bfea522a17428c6309bc80518443a70f8c0455fa55713073611972d656 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42702 09:224:12:22:30 0.21 657a21dfb96e38259c47f33713701935048db112d7e207060e868682c836e472 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42701 09:224:12:25:39 0.21 0114c79d6cc3be4c6dc624834f7ee45c86fe3a8d9fdd97d4dd38ce2831668d15 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42700 09:224:12:25:55 0.21 3590ec0a0066c2af5bde666fd0104feff40e4b61bbe6a3e10273bfe7d4661100 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42699 09:224:12:25:58 0.20 32fc5c2f9f8eefe9269385a1f3ac9e125b10344025764225ce0077ba5e3b297b N/A 16.890 0/4 0.20
42698 09:224:12:26:58 0.21 41ecf4c977b1c5b48c4a2a592caaf695d788496cef456db37eb89fd5897032df N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42697 09:224:12:29:53 0.21 292c291e9735558d99a1a9038cd41e82f8cec9b550c0b1da2d1e9027104a7bba N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42696 09:224:12:29:55 0.21 88f067f5edca1bb7551178f3410e284bfc1c22963db745f978cb1cf71823c5b6 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
42695 09:224:12:35:09 0.21 acec88c779fa6db0c0630dc1b7c5b490708e65fc6b937eeef144a13a4b9928a7 N/A 16.890 0/4 0.21
previous page | first page | current page: 475007/478889 | next page
source code | explorer version (api): master-2021-12-29-9a37839 (1.2) | monero version: