Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-04 22:29:24 | Transaction pool | This is testnet blockchain

Network difficulty: 2000 | Hard fork: v15 | Hash rate: 16 H/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000004000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in the last 11 blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
5224234 00:00:37 0.08 d72e4e6032b1bc6f75bf0fa152f85c33b2be45630a70e8d02cd53c109bac23e4 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224233 00:01:32 0.08 1752e8966fc4416748a255014f3055cb82518018e6becc4675b587903306a481 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224232 00:02:42 0.08 90bf3d2797260b761faf677332b55bbe496faf0a7b87287f1036b0bf13cf9da5 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224231 00:02:52 0.08 b257c2610a3b740ee4dc7615df6c6de5a0a944ce59844ccb928f8c995dba1437 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224230 00:03:37 0.08 8e0f826425049c4b065ddcd41450f6532907854410dc788c58d7696706401d88 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224229 00:04:12 0.08 bad44f78251aa3903cbedcc1e9718babf6c67a29352a07e222cc67f525c70a82 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224228 00:04:17 0.08 429e3f9786b5ee56e48906f630524bc95070086f807b7d00f15550772508d0a6 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224227 00:04:22 0.08 3968ca2aa1bbf45f68a176f3d9c1eabacdc87e5c042eb8bac1b73c523950040a N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224226 00:06:17 0.08 91d668acc3166a7092ac1e73d805a3e8a30318e2b5d67f3d608804fa3f053f1b N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224225 00:07:27 0.08 a4afbe1971b14624d6c470b0741902085a3287b955c3795386ae041b7c6ea2d2 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
5224224 00:08:17 0.08 30f6e6e55bd359ed3bcd2c4e18eaae5a14396cb71f4c37d11a62a52c125435c4 N/A ? 0/1 0.08
current page: 0/474930 | next page
source code | explorer version (api): master-2021-12-29-9a37839 (1.2) | monero version: