Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-18 07:19:47 | Transaction pool | This is testnet blockchain

Network difficulty: 184403 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 1.536 kH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
9901 09:246:18:25:30 0.20 7c4d881d712010feb951f54b4ba55c6d6a0d881ac54c79e644ee801951a02b8b N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9900 09:246:18:25:43 0.20 5e537e07ba8098ea67bf03b89e26f60d542a68d5538bedfc59848106748197da N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9899 09:246:18:25:49 0.20 3de9424540cc60a36ae99983ab97c32aa5950b1726c0b3df5f25e13c996670a8 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9898 09:246:18:25:56 0.20 41b77fcc7f6f8ac71bd684609bb8667d9914dbc4127b0a70264d368dbaf60270 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9897 09:246:18:26:06 0.20 b83d5e1221dd80d1d8847042d94fd5cad2fa644b566f1c38bcac37bac6a9dfee N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9896 09:246:18:26:12 0.20 cfb843a5859b1da60704c684ba1e71260c47d430e28eb8f6c61b32a874c2b644 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9895 09:246:18:26:27 0.20 c72e45817139c062db50bf03686b906cef9ff36301d99f81298e3ccc9367a745 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9894 09:246:18:26:30 0.19 9ff4ec77c475449cf4c7b0f448a392bb60e4528c6e737307492ae42a355271d8 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.19
9893 09:246:18:26:37 0.20 4789eb1b0c9fc05a9c47c385e19e218db2d92a0b9e946fbad624925a958324c2 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9892 09:246:18:26:40 0.20 1a9f411726eb1fd340e961a1c142051606e3f83d20cbe9599129c240a7a60890 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
9891 09:246:18:26:47 0.20 0ab06417bdd43834185b1603c78f3f400dcfc649f4d466c4baf2204c8ca6d6a6 N/A 17.427 0/4 0.20
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source code | explorer version (api): devel-2022-05-11-3462ede (1.2) | monero version: