Onion Monero Blockchain Explorer

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Server time: 2024-05-01 23:35:32 | Transaction pool | This is testnet blockchain

Network difficulty: 215020 | Hard fork: v16 | Hash rate: 1.791 kH/s | Fee per byte: 0.000000020000 | Median block size limit: 292.97 kB

Transaction pool

(no of txs: 0, size: 0.00 kB, updated every 5 seconds)

age [h:m:s] transaction hash fee/per_kB [µɱ] in/out tx size [kB]

Transactions in older blocks

(Median size of 100 blocks: 292.97 kB)

height age [y:d:h:m:s] size [kB] transaction hash fee [µɱ] outputs in/out tx size [kB]
281282 09:039:05:47:46 0.23 fcf6743f5183e0be2e28748c646f9c9fdb006ad03381455e86f8d83f4e9cf754 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281281 09:039:05:48:28 0.23 a0add2dc4e85ffffe4f2eb74e00a090f1ce5721f5033dd1d00b13541f578893c N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281280 09:039:05:50:16 0.23 9eb249ab431ccbbb3a3e218f89020aed64b6166eff8e79f34380a64894df1fb5 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281279 09:039:05:50:40 0.23 2647975c01e9134797eeb3f43b216f7066c71561c4d7d3a0104153687f5dde19 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281278 09:039:05:56:34 0.23 19c53934b116afb3b14124a12c3dcf9d3922b04083b1e0c1aa60660cc7264824 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281277 09:039:05:56:40 0.23 04eced57dc4ad6207a8ca759346557d872677a894d5f6c7ecd5f22a1f4d90858 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281276 09:039:05:57:52 0.23 99c05f86627d1b97ccab028459061ba5676b8eff369ac0f85b847a75ce98bab4 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281275 09:039:05:58:58 0.23 67f28fa9891bda610e0f7f6a9d74ba78f54c4fc3eb854f6a75a7af59eabbeefb N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281274 09:039:05:59:16 0.23 fd8dfb7011cb9f119d7d54f9d83a10f4ffa334afd0e5f038c1cdf352d3bb76bf N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
281273 09:039:05:59:30 0.20 359ae42a383df1bc5a507b7908700b8ac1c692ed164839e576abf5a4a88e4fbb N/A 13.453 0/4 0.20
281272 09:039:06:00:46 0.23 698c667a5968fc4ee96102203ac9dbe67c2b302ac56f1ebc9ec7d95bcd802c31 N/A 13.453 0/5 0.23
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source code | explorer version (api): devel-2022-05-11-3462ede (1.2) | monero version: